People may not always get the results they want on personality and IQ tests, but they are fun to take to pass the time. Based on the results of this personality test, the first color you see might tell someone something about you.
Personality Test for Fun
There are lots of fun and interesting personality tests you can take while you wait at the doctor’s office or the DMV. Even though they aren’t always true, they can be funny sometimes because the things they talk about are real. For example, this personality test looks at the first color a person sees to get a sense of how they see themselves and what kind of person they probably are.
Purple is a color that is often linked to intelligence, creativity, and power. If the first color you see on this personality test is purple, you are probably a unique person who leans toward conservative values and might even be scary to other people. Still, your willingness to change things drives you to be that change, and your light shines through when you do.
Gray Appeared First in the Personality Test
Gray is a basic color that looks good with a lot of different things. This is a refined but more lively color than black or charcoal. It’s a better choice for business or formal wear